For urgent after-hours medical needs, established patients can call (256) 533-6311. For emergencies, dial 911.

Diagnostic Testing and Lab

At our health centers, our providers use laboratory testing services to help them properly diagnose and monitor our patients’ conditions. Each health center has an onsite CLIA-certified laboratory where some tests are performed for rapid results. Other lab work is sent offsite to other private laboratories for analysis. Laboratory services are available during clinic hours.

  • HIV and STD Testing
  • EKG
  • Pulmonary Function Testing
  • X-ray services
  • More+

When you receive laboratory orders from your provider, ask if you need to be fasting or if any medications will interfere with the test results. The laboratory or clinic staff will not discuss the results with you. They will send the results to your primary care provider for follow up. Please contact your medical provider with any questions you may have about your lab results.