For urgent after-hours medical needs, established patients can call 256-533-6311. For emergencies, dial 911.


"Caring for Our Community"

Central North Alabama Health Services, Inc. is committed to improving the health of its community. We seek to leverage our experience in prevention, patient care, and health education to make a meaningful impact in the communities we serve.  From remote immunizations and screenings to health education classes, our aim is to improve the quality of life of the people in our communities.

Event Calendar

Central North Alabama Health Services, Inc. Health Events Calendar

Monthly Weekly Daily List Grid Tile
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"Caring for Our Community"

Central North Alabama Health Services, Inc. is committed to improving the health of its community. We seek to leverage our experience in prevention, patient care, and health education to make a meaningful impact in the communities we serve.  From remote immunizations and screenings to health education classes, our aim is to improve the quality of life of the people in our communities.

Event Calendar

Central North Alabama Health Services, Inc. Health Events Calendar

Monthly Weekly Daily List Grid Tile
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