For urgent after-hours medical needs, established patients can call 256-533-6311. For emergencies, dial 911.

Provider Opportunities

We offer an unparalleled sense of community, in a family friendly environment. With a short, stress free commute, you’ll have more time to spend with your family and friends and to explore parks and recreation facilities, various nature trails, and breath-taking golfing courses that our community has to offer. In addition, you may choose to enjoy other activities including sporting events, performing arts, the symphony, well-known and local concert artists, or galleries which display the amazing work of local and internationally acclaimed artists.

All of this adds up to a quality of life that would be difficult find elsewhere; increased job satisfaction, time with family and friends, and the space to explore the personal interests that make your life more complete.

If making a difference is important to you, you’ll gain a strong sense of satisfaction when you practice with our Health Care System. Our team of providers work together in a professional group practice setting that is focused on patient-centered care.

Current Provider Opportunities

  • Family Practice Physician
  • Pediatrician
  • Gynecologist
  • Dentist
  • Behavioral Health Counselor

If you are interested in becoming part of our Team, please email your CV to Click here to learn more!